Data Notification and Task Request - Nuix Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Requestor Contact Details: Name: *FirstLastEmail: *Phone:Note: Before uploading data, supply data in a top level Folder named “YYMMDD – internal tranche reference” (as this will be reflected in the Folder browser). Ensure Outlook.psts are renamed with Custodian name or are put into sub-folders by Custodian name, eg. Smith A.pst or /smitha/Outlook.pstProject Name:Data Uploaded Location(s):Password for zip (if applicable): For security reasons, please email or SMS any passwords separately to your elaw Project Manager - do not provide it here. Passwords for PSTs are not required to be supplied.Due Date (if applicable): We will discuss with you the feasibility.Type of Data Uploaded: Your Data for processing (eg. PST Email boxes, Raw files with original filenames)Pre-processed data (eg. Discovery from 3rd Party, with Document ID filenames and stamping)If data for processing was selected, please provide the below fields:Your internal tranche reference for the data (if applicable):* *eg. 231031 Elec001 for first data set. Ensure data is provided in a folder named in format “YYMMDD – internal tranche reference” when uploaded. This can then be referenced from the Folder browser hierarchy.Deduplication:CustodianGlobalNoneCustodian(s) use your company/law firm initials if no specific Custodian tracking required:Deduplicated files Masters Report required? This is a list of the original documents that had duplicate copies in this set.NoYesAllocate Australian Doc IDs immediately after processing for all documents? (Note that Temp_ processing IDs are allocated initially and then Australian Document IDs are subsequently allocated.)NoNo (wait until later)YesDocument ID: Specify Prefix (and Box/Folder if necessary). Refer to protocol for agreed prefixes.Total size of data set pre-processing (if known)? Please provide units (Kb, MB, GB):Are any of the files in the data set encrypted? If yes, please provide a list of passwords prior to processing if possible:NoYes (Please provide a list of passwords below)UnsureWould you like any language identification run against your data set?NoYesAny special instructions? (Eg. other fields to be mass coded or further data uploads are to be expected shortly and we should wait for those before processing as one batch)If Pre-Processed data was selected, please provide the below fields:Supplying Party code/info:Date data was provided by third party:Ensure that folder naming of data set uploaded reflects the above date and Document ID Prefix, eg. /231025 MONThird party Data Description: (Are any documents replacements for existing documents or Privilege - Yes/Part?)Metadata Load file provided:nonecsvdatexcelmdbAny special instructions? (Eg. other fields to be mass coded, email threading or deduplication required.)Submit Or Call us on 1300 30 30 80