eLitigation Services
elaw’s eLitigation Services deliver industry-leading litigation technology solutions to litigators and their clients.
eLitigation Services
elaw’s litigation support consulting solutions draw upon four key elements:
- Subject matter expertise of litigation practice and procedure, eLitigation best practices, data analysis strategies, relevant technology environments, and software functional capabilities
- Experience in successfully delivering eDiscovery and eTrial solutions to support hundreds of matters involving diverse evidence collections
- Proven methodology to ensure excellent, consistent, defensible and cost-effective results for every engagement; and
- Software that is the right solution for the task, the matter, the evidence set and the user
What is eLitigation?
As evidence has transitioned from paper documents to electronic communication and records in myriad digital formats, ‘eLitigation’ has evolved to cater for the needs of modern disputes. Globally, litigation consulting firms such as elaw provide a critical bridge between the complexities of digital evidence management and analysis, and the needs of litigants, litigators, courts, tribunals, regulators and arbitrators.
eLitigation involves managing and analysing electronic evidence from many sources, including internet-based sources, stand-alone computers or devices, and mobile devices. eLitigation also encompasses the electronic processes that courts and other bodies have adopted to manage disputes involving digital evidence.
Digital evidence has impacted upon all facets of the litigation lifecycle and has changed the way that litigants, solicitors, barristers, courts and judges work with evidence. Digital evidence is identified, collected, processed, reviewed, analysed, disclosed and presented in new and growing ways, in compliance with ever-evolving best practices.
eLitigation Components
To deliver best results, eLitigation services should be delivered and supported by specialist legal technology consultancies with expertise in:
- Litigation practice and procedure
- Data collection
- Data processing and analysis
- Evidence review workflows
- Evidence analysis strategies
- Evidence production
- Evidence management and presentation at eTrial or Arbitration
elaw’s team of qualified, certified and experienced lawyers, consultants, technical specialists, litigation support project managers, data analysts, developers and paralegals are recognised as market-leading experts in the niche litigation consulting firm sector.
Litigation Support Consulting Capabilities
At the heart of elaw’s eLitigation Services is our litigation support consulting capability ensuring that our clients, and their clients, benefit from access to expert advice. Our advisory capability is powered by our collective decades of experience, continuously sharpened by elaw’s enduring commitment to ongoing training, certification and professional development.
elaw’s evidence management strategies reflect a deep understanding of the legal and technical requirements of courts and regulators, and of existing and evolving technologies. Our consultants deliver industry-leading service through their expertise, responsiveness and cost control and transparency.
Solutions Overview
elaw takes a solutions-based approach to best meeting the diverse needs of our clients in managing their evidence.
We provide support through the entire eLitigation lifecycle, from information governance advisory services through to eTrials support. We underpin our services offering with access to the latest SaaS-delivered technology environments.
Although we work in all facets and phases of technology litigation, most commonly we are engaged to provide support for two key phases: eDiscovery and eTrials.
1. eDiscovery
‘eDiscovery‘ broadly relates to the process of disclosing (discovering) evidence electronically, in compliance with agreed exchange protocols. eDiscovery may be a component of litigation or in response to a notice received from a regulator or agency.
Practically, the act of producing evidence by way of eDiscovery is the final step in a number of related tasks. elaw’s consultants routinely provide advice and support in relation to:
- Exchange Protocol or Notice to Produce interpretation and drafting
- Identification of possible sources of data
- Data collection strategies
- Processing and initial analysis of collected data
- Development and tailoring of evidence review workflows
- Advice and support for evidence analysis strategies
- Validation of relevant and privileged sets
- Production of eDiscovery in compliance with the Exchange Protocol or Notice to Produce
For each step, the elaw approach is procedurally defensible, adopting industry best practices whilst respecting the commercial and cost-transparency needs of our clients.
Within the eDiscovery umbrella, elaw provides tailored solutions for:
- Class action management (plaintiff/applicant and defendant/respondent)
- Sector- or Industry-specific litigation (eg. insurance, construction, family, planning and environment)
- Regulatory and Compliance evidence production
- By matter engagement
- All of ‘matter type’ engagement (eg. all class actions)
- Managed services engagement
In each case, we work flexibly with our clients to deliver solutions that are a best-fit for their needs, underpinned always by elaw’s expert partnership.
2. eTrials/eHearings
‘eCourts’, ‘eHearings’ and ‘eTrials’ services refer to the planning for, and presentation of, evidence at hearing, inquiry or arbitration. Broadly, the eHearing phase in the litigation lifecycle includes:
- Preparation of affidavits and exhibits for witnesses
- Development of the hearing bundle (also known as the court book, trial bundle or arbital bundle)
- Presentation and management of evidence at hearing
elaw provides expert advice and support for all elements of eTrials, whether the hearing is:
- in-person;
- virtual; or
- a hybrid solution.
We work in courts, tribunals and arbitration facilities throughout Australia and support virtual participation (by lawyers, clients, experts and judges or arbitrators) globally.
elaw eHearings replicate the best elements of traditional hearing processes and workflows, powered by easy-to-use software.
- eTrial design, implementation and management (virtual, physical or hybrid)
- Provision of elaw’s dedicated Virtual Justice meeting platform
- Tailored training for all participants, including remote witnesses
- Data management advice and strategy
- Coordination of transcript services (physical, virtual or speech to text)
- Trial graphics support
- Opening and closing submission support
- Cost containment strategies
- 24/7 technical support